leidsin netist toredaid laused:
*I didn´t say it was Your fault. I said I was going to blame You.
*We the unwilling,led by the unknowing,are doing the impossible, for the ungrateful. We have done so much for so long, with so little, we are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
*Jesus loves you, but I´m his favourite.
*I´m trying to see things from your point of view, but I can´t get my head that far up my ass.
*Get me drunk and enjoy the show.
*Never underestimate the power of dumb people in large groups.
*Behind every great woman is a man staring at her ass.
*Being an asshole is all part of my manly essence.
*Beer - helping ugly people have sex since 1862.
*Beer - helping white guys to dance since 1842.
*Divorce - who needs furniture anyway.
*I haven´t had my coffee yet, don´t make me kill you.
*Exercise - the poor man´s plastic surgery.
*Martinis - helping people to lower they standards since 1927.
*Prozac - Sometimes you feel like a nut....sometimes you don´t.
*reality - is for losers who don´t play video games.
*Tequila - have you hugged your toilet today?
novot...ja nii on. :)
Galileoskoobi timmimise aasta
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